Mental Health
It is important that those who think they are being affected by some kind of mental health condition speak with their doctor as soon as possible. Our doctors are able to assist with mental health issues including providing support and counselling, where suitable develop a treatment plan with goals agreed with you and treatment or support options or they may refer you to another mental health professional for further management.
You may be eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan, which allows you to access medicare rebates for your psychologist visits. For up to date information please see Medicare’s website.
Please note that due to the complexity of mental health issues, a longer appointment is usually required to ensure there is adequate time to discuss and identify the issue and develop a management plan that is suited to you. Due to the length of the consult, the fees may also be higher than a standard consult. Please see our fees page for further information.
To book an appointment, please phone reception or book a Mental Health Consult appointment online.